So the internet is up and working, as far as everything being put away it is FAARRRRR from there. The garage is still full of boxes, or garbage cans have not arrived so well it is also full of the beer bottles from Saturday night. Yea, we were those people, Saturday we move Saturday night our house was full of people drinking beer. So much fun.
So we technically moved in Saturday and we are still sorting through boxes and every morning our closet is pretty much the garage. It sucks, nothing can be worse for my anxiety than boxes everywhere and things not having a home. There is still stuff at the old place and on top of it all I am working like crazy right now and lets just say that at this point of the night and just getting home I MUCH rather be here on blogger than actually doing something. Oh and M and I set a date this past week, June 3, 2011 I will become his wife. Yep it is a long time away but right now, we kind of have a lot going on.
Ok ok enough of that I should probably get moving along, I swear pictures to come, now if I could just find the cord for my camera... Miss all you lovelies!
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." - Coco Chanel
2 days ago
take your time. we are here waiting...patiently.
miss you.
focus on your house...but be patient. it's a neverending project i tell you. hardwork but fun because it's yours.
Congrats on moving and the new house! IT took me WEEKS. We bought our house in May. EVerything is unpacked, but um, not really decorated. I can't figure out what to do. :)
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