Meaning does anyone have that laying around to loan me? Serious house hunting issues. Every time a great one pops up on the market it is snagged up by someone with a cash offer. Seriously who are these people with $400K just lying around? And if you know them can you introduce me. I lost probably what was the best house ever to someone with all cash (insert curse words here). The best part about it, M was going to get a massive man room out of it. I mean it was huge, large enough to turn into a granny flat (with bedroom, bathroom, separate living space and kitchen, I mean fo' reals) and it was going to be allllll his.
So last night I went and checked out some places and found a great one, it was further out then we would prefer but it was great and it had 8,000 sq feet of RV parking. I mean perfect right then M could build the man cave to his specifications with space to do his home brewing and space for him to watch ESPN all day long.
So my attention span changing from house to man cave I googled man cave and got this definition fom the
Official Man Cave website (first off I cannot believe they have their own website, AND show):
man cave n. A dedicated area of a house, such as a basement, workshop, or garage, where a man can be alone or socialize with his friends.
So I digress, house hunting sucks and I am tired of looking and M is in China so it sucks even more because he is apprehensive (even though he said well if you like it then I will). I am pretty sure I will be having one of these later:
Either that or some serious amounts of bubbly.
And I didn't forget... I received my first blog award! YEA!
I received this award from the lovely lady over at
K. Law. I have been following before I decided to join this little world of blogging. And this I bestow to other ladies I have followed since before the beginning:
Miss Unbeweavable (we share a passion for the red soles)
My favorite
Banana (we also love our red soles as well as beer) - in fact I bestow this to all Louboutin and beer lovers!
and of course
Kelly who always has something fabulous to show off! (Those cakes today, gasp).
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." - Coco Chanel