
Killing it.

Until I get my life together again (i.e. laundry, clean house, write thank yous, finish putting the corner of gifts away) I will be sharing pictures cause really who wants to know the daily details of getting my house orderly again? And I need to get it orderly again so I can start an outlet for my creative side again. Maybe build some more furniture, make throw pillows for the seesters. Thinking these pillows from Ballard Designs would be really fun to make for one of the seesters
(find them here)

But off to get this butt to work so I can get home and start the clean up the house process. So I leave you with this on this glorious Friday morning.
Seriously our photographer rocked it. Candice you are amazing!
(From our day after shots with Candice from Serendipity Studios).

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