
Hercules Hercules Hercules

Ok so people are getting creative with the table number thing at weddings and well my brother put different pictures of my nephew dressed up in a tux. So very cute!

Giving a hi-five.

Mister Herc posing in his tux.

Another pose.
Seriously how cute is he. I have not been actually able to meet him but apparently these poses did not surprise my Mom whatsoever because he believes that he is a star. My brother named him Hercules. He has always wanted an English Bulldog with the name Herc.

Well I just thought I would show the pictures because Bananas post the other day reminded me of the studly boy.

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." - Coco Chanel


Kristen said...

Ahhhh! I love this idea... and yes, your nephew is super adorable in his little tuxedo.

bananas. said...

HOLY MOLY!!! how friggen cuuuute! i lovee it!

HERCULES, HERCULES, HERCULES!!! oh his mug is so cute. definitely a looker.

Elizabeth Marie said...


Summer Athena said...

THIS IS WHY I NEED A BULLDOG! I am sending your post to my hubby.


OH and you need to be added to my blogroll. I have been lazy with it.

Sierra said...

That is adorable! I am popping over from Miss Banana's place to say hi!

Elizabeth Marie said...

You are so cute. And drunk. I mean, not right now I dont think. But you could be and that would be amazing.