
I cannot stop

Shopping that is. I seriously have issues when it comes to buying gifts for people.  Just finished of the last piece for the sister and brother/sister-in-law while on my conference call.  While looking for a personalized "tavern" sign for my brother I came across this:
I found it on Etsy at SportsFanCraftsman. Now I think wow I finished M shopping a long long time ago but something like this for him? I do not know.  I have spent way over budget already (remember the whole saving money trying to pay for a wedding and buy a house thing?) But this just seems too perfect and his birthday is not until September, well I saved it to my favories for the time being but who knows it might just end up purchased and hidden away for when we actually have a house, only if it does not end up in my living (yes I said MY).

So You all read the other day was just plain blah. I think my anxiety is starting to get the best of me, there is a ton going on right now and it is starting to catch up and make my head a big mush pot. So this weekend I decided that I would skip out on my friends white trash party and take some time for me (M will be at the dropzone alllll weekend). So I am going to catch up on stuff for my sisters bridal shower/bachelorette, sleep and spend some time with Mama. Hopefully after that things will start to sort themselves out in my head.
In better news M surprised me last night by making a pit stop at WalMart and picking up The Hangover. Seriously my favorite comedy of all time! I love this movie and put me to bed last night on a better note. If you want a good laugh this will definitely provide it for you.  Anyone else out there?  Alright this is long enough till next time...

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." - Coco Chanel


Kristen said...

I still have not seen the Hangover... a tragedy, I know. It is on my Netflix list...

And I have a hard time stopping my gift buying too...

bananas. said...

Already got my blu-ray of the hangover but I'm giving it to the bf for xmas so I have to wait to watch it again.

Summer Athena said...

love love love the hangover.

love you.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

The hubs looooves the Broncos. What a killer gift!