
back back in cali cali

So M got back from China yesterday, which I am so happy about but his clock is all screwed up and he was up and 1, 2, and 4.  He finally at 4 just got up and stayed up. I probably now have a little insight to what it is like to be a parent (well except the having to get up with him).  He had a very interesting trip from the hooker his client tried to set him up with (I was almost peeing my pants laughing when he told me) to the taxi cab he was in getting into an accident.  He was only supposed to be gone three days and he ended up being gone two weeks.

Oh and you ladiies know how I felt guilty about the shoes, well he did some shopping for me while he was over there, not him, me.  So now I feel even more guilty. Needless to say the shoes are still tucked away in my closet waiting for the perfect time to show him, cause he does know what shoes I have, especially when it comes to those red soles. I will try to get a picture up later of what he brought home cause ladies he did pretty good for not having any fashion sense.  For now I leave you with the shoes I would die to have, yes another pair of Biancas but these ladies uhhh the gray python.  Yummmy.

Found at Net-A-Porter
Off to look at more houses tonight. Wish me luck.

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." - Coco Chanel


bananas. said...

well M gained major brownie points for a) buying you goodies and c) rejecting the hooker. ha!

can't wait to see what he brought back for you and those shoes are HEAVEN!

Annie said...

can't wait to see what he brought ya!
a hooker!? haha!!
those shoes are amazing! loving that color and those heals...wow!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Best of luck on the house hunt. I know how exhausting that can be!